Fa La La La Local - Frayla Boutique

Shop local this holiday season! Our small businesses need our support this year more than ever! Fa La La La Local, powered by the Downtown Partnership of Colorado Springs, highlights some of our amazing businesses in Colorado Springs! Discover new shops or get some great gift ideas!

Check out my interview with Tina from Frayla Boutique! Fashion with a purpose. Beautifully making an impact world wide! Visit their website at https://frayla-boutique.square.site/ Just one of the many incredible small businesses you can find in downtown Colorado Springs!

Did you know more of every dollar you spend locally stays local? In fact 70 cents of every dollar spent locally stays local, and that helps our entire city by keeping people employed and bringing in tax revenue. when you shop at a chain, big box retailer or online warehouse, 60 cents of every dollar leaves our community. So shop local! Small businesses are the heart and soul of our community!

And remember...for details on businesses, gift cards and events downtown, visit https://downtowncs.com/

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