Here's my superstition about taking down my Christmas decorations

Today is National Take Down Your Christmas Tree Day! The official holiday season ends on January 6th– the feast of the Epiphany (which follows the 12 days of Christmas, which officially begins on the evening of December 25th).

So I'm curious, when do you take down your Christmas tree? In normal years, I usually take down my tree and decorations the day after Christmas. Usually, because I'm ready for a fresh start and a clean living room. LOL. Don't get me wrong... I love my tree and decorations and they make my house look so beautiful. But when I take it all down, the house feels less cluttered and it looks like we have so much more room!! But the BIG reason is that I don't like to start the new year with any remnants of the old. I like to start fresh. So I spend the week between Christmas and New Year cleaning and decluttering. :) It's a crazy superstition of mine.

This year tho, I wasn't ready to take down my tree! It felt like the holiday season went by in the blink of an eye. I just wanted to embrace it a little more. It was a tough year and my tree brought me comfort. I did take the outside decorations down right away, but I waited until this past Saturday to take the tree down. Hope that didn't mess with my superstition LOL!

So when do you normally take your tree down?

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