My Easter weekend - got my vaccination and took a tumble on a skateboard!

How was your Easter weekend? I got pretty banged up yesterday, but had fun doing it! I got out my old school skateboard and took it for a spin! Unfortunately, I hit a crack...the skateboard stopped...and I went flying over it, Superman style, and landed on my chin. I can hardly open my mouth today, it is so sore. And my hand looks like I punched concrete LOL. It was fun tho. I'll never grow up :)

Other than that, I got my covid Vaccination shot on Saturday! The first shot anyway. I lucked out. Didn't have any reactions, other than my arm got a little sore that night. It went away pretty fast tho. Ready to get my second shot so I can start going to concerts again!

Of course we dyed Easter eggs on Saturday :) That's always a lot of fun. Check out the pics below!

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