I conquered a fear!

So, I have to tell you about a big moment for me today. A little backstory first tho. I am afraid of spiders. Terrified of them. A couple of years ago, there was a big yellow spider on my car. I took a picture of it and shared it online...asking what kind of spider it was. Of course this was AFTER I killed it. Well, everyone jumped my case. Apparently it was a garden spider...an orb weaver. One of the "good" spiders. So of course I felt totally guilty for killing it. (yep..that's totally me. Feeling guilty about a spider) I actually researched it and found out that it was an awesome spider that creates beautiful webs! So...then, I felt even MORE guilty.

Fast forward to today. I opened my garage door and discovered a HUGE almost perfect web! Sitting on it, was a big ole garden spider. Here's the best part.... I didn't freak out! I wasn't scared at all. I had to move it tho because it was not in a great place to have a spider web. But that's the point..... I moved it! I didn't kill it :) and I didn't freak out. BIG WIN!!!

One of my favorite quotes in life is "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood." -Marie Curie. That quote has been posted on my desk for years and I truly believe it....and my spider story totally proved it right! Hopefully that quote can help you conquer your fears too!

PS.....if that spider comes back with a bunch of babies in the morning, we are going to have a different problem HA HA HA!

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