It's good to have a fire evacuation plan...this will help!

Well, today was crazy! So many fires in the Springs :( I live close to the fire that was at Stetson and Peterson. Our phones and the TV went off telling us to evacuate. I couldn't tell quite where the fire was, but knew it was close because we could see the smoke. So we hopped in the car just to be sure. That was fun loading up my small zoo in the car! Three dogs, a bearded dragon and two birds! Thankfully for us, the fire wasn't that close to us, so we went back home. But it got me thinking tho....I don't have an evacuation plan! And if we were in mandatory evacuations, I didn't have any of my important papers ready to go :( Nor anything to take care of my animals.

As we can see by today.... ANYWHERE is vulnerable to fire right now. So here is a website full of great information on how to plan for fires in your area. Including a list of items to have ready to go and easy to grab. Something we ALL should take note of and do! I know I am!

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